What Is Breakdancing?
This page was made to answer the questions mentioned in Bboyin'.com's home page-Just exactly what is breakdancing?Well,we can say that breakdancing is many things-a dance,a sport,a hobby,or simply something we see in Hip-Hop music videos or movies.First and foremost,B-Boying is a form of art.It is a method of self-expression and one of the 4 pillars of Hip-Hop along withj Djing,MCing (Rap),and Graffiti.Breakdancing is Hip-Hop's cultural dance and represents all the energy and vibe of the Hip-Hop genre.It is more than just a dance,or a showcase of tricks and flips-a stereotype which many people have cast on Breakdancing.Throughout its history,B-boy has served as a cultural bridge-breaking the barriers between nations and cultures and bringing people together under Hip-Hop.Almost every move in B-boy consists of style-which most people who don't understand Hip-Hop don't realize.B-boying brings out the individuality in someone-it is a dance which lets one freely express himself,and it showcases the special qualities every individual has through dance.Breakdancing is a dance,it is a part of Hip-Hop,and it is a very famous form of entertainment in today's media,but most of all-it is a form of art.B-boying IS art.